A Blad Eagle in flight, happy in it's habitat :)
Here is an article about the success of the bald eagles.
"Bald Eagles soars off Endangered Species List"
By: Peggy Mihelich
June 28, 2007
Also, below is a link of a Good Morning America video that shows a specific example, and a cute eagle!
Summary: Over a century (1870 to 1970) bald eagle populations were taking a hit and decreasing rapidly. Eagles were not only hunted, but their habitats were being destroyed, causing a decrease. Also, the chemical DDT, found in insectisides, build up in ecosystems, and eventually make their way to the top predators of a food chain, which was the eagle. After years of struggling for these creatures, in 1972, the government took action to preserve them. They banned DDT from being used in an effort to prevent the eagle's eggs from being too frail and cracking (making it impossible to reproduce). Also, they put eagles under protection of The Endangered Species Act, which meant that the government could conserve their habitat and prevent hunting. Now, with all of this in place, the number of nesting eagles has gone from 417 to 9,789 in just about 40 years! With such a pheonominal increase, the eagle has been removed from the endangered species list, which is rare and exciting! However, this means that the government will not be protecting their habitat or hunting issues. While this success is exciting, considering the recovery rate of endangered species is about 1%, professionals fear without protection, the eagles may be at risk of returning to being endagnered. However, this success of America's symbol is an inspiration!
Reflection: This really made my day! In articles or on the news, when you see or hear the words "endangered species", it is usually one being added to the list. This, however, is a rare occurance! I also find it amazing that our nation's symbol was able to be recovered. This article really made me think about how we would feel as Americans if our national symbol became extinct. That would give us little hope. If our national symbol couldn't make it out of a sticky situation, then how could we in a time of economic ressesion? Even though people are saying the eagles may be at more of a risk since they are not under as much restricion, I feel this should be exciting. People have worked hard to make this happen, and I find it completely worth it. Now, new species can be put into the spotlight of being saved. However, I think hunting animals like this should be illegal regaurdless. It is uncalled for, and there is no need for them to be targeted, expecially considering they are not a common food source to us.
- Do you feel that maybe the bald eagle's success was because the government favored them as our nation symbol?
- Did DDT affect others? Was this chemical the reason other species were added to the endangered species list?
- Are you worried about the protection of the eagle? Do you feel it's population will decrease again without the government's restricitions?
- Since it said there was a 1% success rate of getting off the endangered species list, which other animals were successful? Do you think they were larger animals? Key food sources? Why?